Our journey of faith begins

Paul & Billie Kaye, 1975


I could not be more blessed as the pastor of WWDB to hear from you. At Restoration Ranch we are always praying for ways to add value to your life. From our prospective, there is no greater way than to point you to the ONE who is THE WAY, Christ Jesus The Lord. 

I’ve included my recent poem from my message “Hold Onto the Rope.” My prayer is that you will keep it in full display to be reminded that we are all servant- rope-holders.  

I’ve also included a chapter from my booklet “Understanding Your New Life.” This is one of the most important chapters because we believe in the power and necessity of the local church. Please be diligent in finding a church home. There may be challenges and issues from time to time, and you won’t always see eye with them, but it’s vitally important that you find a church for your family. That’s why we’ve included this chapter.  

This is going to be a wonderful journey of faith.  It’s not going to be the “yellow-brick-road” but it will be a road paved with God’s love, grace and mercy. At Restoration Ranch we are very excited to welcome you to the family of God.  

You will not be perfect, believe me, but you will be in-dwelt by One who is, The Holy Spirit. He will lead you, comfort you, teach you, encourage you, lift you, bless you, never leave you nor forsake you, and He will always, always be there for you. I have a series “Heaven’s Throne Gift”* that I created about the work of the Holy Spirit that has changed the lives of thousands. * Visit our website for this series. 

Life for every human being is a gift from God. Unfortunately, so many human beings live far below the greatness that they were created for. The greatest gift that God has ever given to correspond with human life is eternal life and today you have both, if you have trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior. Life and life more abundantly because of Jesus.

We love you and we are here for you, 

Pastor Paul 


Hold Onto The Rope

Hold onto the rope for others 

Like someone did for you 

And remember how you that felt that day

That rope holder pulled you through

The rope we hold is strong enough

To anchor a weary soul 

And those who hold the other end 

Will never let you go

That rope is woven with 3 cords 

That will not be easily torn 

It’s strong enough to hold you fast

No matter what the storm

The first cord is the hope it brings 

When you need a helping hand 

It pulls you up to hope again 

And off the sinking sand

The second cord is the faith you need 

To carry on from here

That faith will wipe away all tears 

And set you free from fear

The third cord is the vital one

Lest that rope would fall apart

It’s woven with the love of God 

And directly from His heart

So hold that rope with a servant’s heart 

And remember how it made you feel 

When someone held that rope for you

And it helped your life to heal

Every life is important 

We’re rope holders that’s what we do 

So find that end and hold on tight

There’s someone counting on you

April 24th 2021

Paul E Tsika


  • You may already be attending a good church and therefore do not need to look at all. But if you are unchurched, unaffiliated, or unhappy, you may want to seek help in considering a good church home. I would suggest counseling with those friends and family you consider to be spiritually-minded people and are happy with their church. You may want to attend several churches and trust the Lord to bear witness that this is where you belong. You need a church home for your protection. The church should provide you with a sense of belonging. The size of the fellowship (church) has nothing to do with the greatness of the ministry. There are no little places and no little people in the family of God. It is important that you feel the sense of belonging.

    Please do not fall into the “there are just no churches out there that I can join” syndrome. Earnestly and honestly make this a matter of prayer and God will show you. Remember, there are no perfect churches. If you do happen to find one, don’t join it because it will cease to be perfect. (Just kidding!)

  • There are varying opinions in the Christian faith as to what is really important. In this writer’s view there are three imperatives; the Birth, the Blood, and the Book.

    The Birth – the greatest imperative in the Word of God is from John 3:7. Jesus said, “Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.” Any church that does not teach salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus which produces a new birth should not be considered as a church home. Salvation does not come about by sophistication or education or doing good works and stacking up merit points. 

    Salvation comes about from the new birth. This term “new birth” literally means “being born from above.” The law of genetics teaches that nature of the birth determines the nature of the life. Plant birth produces plant life, animal birth produces animal life. Jesus said in John 3:6 “That which is born of the flesh is flesh: and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” Natural birth produces natural life and only a spiritual birth can produce a spiritual life. Also, I really believe opportunity should be given by way of public invitation when the Gospel is presented for people to receive Christ and be born again. 

    The Blood – The use of the term “blood of Christ” is spiritual shorthand for the atoning work of Christ upon the cross. The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:18, “knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” Hebrews 9:22 says that, “without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.” You need to belong to a church that acknowledges the necessity of the literal blood of atonement of the Savior. 

    The Book – You need to belong to a church that believes the Bible is without error; not just that it contains the Word of God but that it is the Word of God. In addition, the church should believe that, as II Tim. 3:16 states, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” You also need a church where you are encouraged to bring your Bible and follow along in it with your Bible study teacher and pastor as the Word of God is taught. 

    Richard Baxter said, “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.” If the body of Christ is going to function with unction on the planet, we can not be divided on essentials, for this is our whole basis for fellowship and authority. The essentials, being identified by Baxter as: 

    Jesus Christ was God robed in human flesh

    God became a man

    He was born of a virgin

    He lived a sinless life

    He died on a cross and shed His blood for the remission our sins

    He was literally and bodily raised from the dead on the third day

    He ascended into Heaven and sits now at the right hand of the Father as the only sacrifice and substitute for our salvation.

    Salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, plus nothing and minus nothing

    In non-essentials, liberty. The mark of a maturing Christian is the grace to be non-judgmental in dealing with a wide spectrum of cultural backgrounds in other believers. You may consider that liberal thinking but the only alternative is legalistic thinking. Both liberalism and legalism destroy, and that is why in all things, charity. We should walk in love towards one another and love never fails. 

  • Different churches have differing views of leadership. By and large, however, the pastor is the spiritual under-shepherd or spiritual leader of the local church. I would greatly encourage you to make an appointment with him. If you include your entire family, you may get a better sense of whether you belong there or not. I realize that pastors are busy men of God. However, when you are seeking the Lord about a spiritual leader, I believe you need to have access to him. As you talk, be willing to  open up about your hopes and dreams for your future. Be very honest and ask whatever seems to be important to you and your family at the time. Ask him about the church, its members, what they believe and their philosophy of ministry. Remember, there are no unimportant questions if it’s important to you. 

  • Personal and Family

    Husbands need to lead out in this endeavor. If the husband is not a Christian, or you are a single mom, then you should lead. The important thing is that you have some kind of consistent family (if you have one) and personal time with the Lord every day. Do not get on a guilt trip if this is not followed to the letter. You will find your devotional times together a source of daily strength and encouragement. No two people do it exactly alike, so find your own niche.

    What should this consist of? 

    There will be many different preferences in the area, so the suggestions I make are just that- suggestions. There are many wonderful devotional books. Among the all-time favorites are My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers and Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman. We also have 2 daily devotionals, Growing in Grace and Growing in Favor. You may desire to employ one of these along with your daily Bible reading. Any Bible bookstore can show you a good variety of “read through the Bible in a year” books. These aids will enable you to consistently keep your place while maintaining peace to read through the whole Bible each year. I know this sounds like a major undertaking, but the thing to remember is to take it just one step at a time and not the whole 365 steps in one jump. As you grow in the Lord, you will discover other resources that are available. These will all help to edify and encourage your growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. *As a side note: in the beginning of your journey we recommend that you only read the New Testament and Psalm and Proverbs. The Old Testament is wonderful and will be valuable in the future but in the beginning it can be difficult to understand and can be a little overwhelming. 

    How long?

    The key to consistency is to remember you are in a marathon, not a sprint. The major deterrent to my consistency in working out at a health club is that I make it work. I go at it with such intensity that when the alarm goes off the next morning I freak. I cannot go through that again; I am going to die. My wife on the other hand is perfectly consistent because her philosophy is “little is better than none.” Do you get the picture? Start slow about 15 minutes a day and you will find that time with the Lord will lengthen naturally. Eating right promotes right eating. As you dine from the Master’s table, your capacity for His servings will increase. 


    The answer to when is whenever. Some prefer early mornings, but some people I know don’t get up until the crack of noon. Some prefer evenings, but some people I know go to bed early. The time is as varied as the individual. Discuss this with your family and try to find a time suitable for all. Do not be so strict that you are unwilling to change it up from time to time. Again, the issue is “Just do it!” For most people, early morning (or as soon as they get up) seems to be the best. This jump starts their day and provides them with “Daily Bread” for the journey. 

  • One of the great joys of the Christian life is in sharing your faith in Christ with fellow believers. There is kinship and bonding that takes place immediately. The reason it is important to share with others is two-fold: 

    Your commitment will be strengthened each time you confess to others that Jesus Christ is now your Lord and Savior

    To be a witness to believers so that they can rejoice with you or to the unbeliever to bring them to conviction of their need.

    You will find that among true believers there is always an anointed atmosphere when testimonies of salvation are given. The reason is simple: they have been born again of the same Holy Spirit, saved by the same grace, in-dwelt by the same Lord and headed to the same place. There is such joy in family fellowship! However, you may not find that same enthusiasm from those who have not become Christians yet. Sometimes your own family can be the most difficult people with whom you share your faith. The reasons for this vary. Often, parents falsely believe your new life is an indictment against the way they reared you. At times the change in you is so obvious that your lost family and friends just don’t understand. 

  • The first and most important approach can be summed up in one word - Humbly. Never approach anyone with “preacher” overtones or a condescending attitude. The one thing that will turn people off quicker than anything else is a superior attitude. Remember that is was not long ago you were in the same condition. You want to be a stepping-stone and not a stumbling block, so approach others the way you would want to be approached. 

  • A blind man that Jesus healed was asked who it was that healed him. He did not know. His answer was simple: “All I know is that once I was blind but now I can see.” Do you know who touched you and saved you? It was Christ Jesus your Lord. My  best advice to you is to use the K.I.S.S. method when witnessing- Keep It Simple, Saint. Tell them what Jesus did for you. There will be a million and one questions you cannot answer. You know the answer to the only one that really counts- once you were lost and now you are found. You were blind and now you see, and Jesus Christ is the one who did it. The gospel is the good news of Jesus, so tell them about him. Pucker up and K.I.S.S.! 

  • A Bible

    There are a variety of Bibles available in differing translations. Although this can be very confusing to a new believer, remember as you read the Word of God that the Holy Spirit will illumine your heart to its truths. Generally speaking, I would recommend “The Message” translation. Every Christian bookstore will have somebody to show you the versions available and help advise you in your choices. Just remember, you need your own Bible to follow along when listening to preaching and to study and read devotionally. Use a highlighter for what really speaks to your heart and write notes in the margin. This is not defiling the Word. It is honoring it. You do not defile it by writing in it but by not obeying it as God reveals it to you. Find one you are comfortable reading and, if it is a red Bible on the outside, make certain it is a read Bible on the inside. 

    Bible Helps

    One of the best Bible dictionaries is the Easton Bible Dictionary or the New Bible Dictionary, edited by J.D. Douglas. There are many excellent Bible software programs for computers that will serve as excellent tools for your study of the Bible. There are many resources available online (Oliver Tree, Bible study tools, etc.) At Restoration Ranch we have a resource called “Living Your New Life” that will be out in the fall. It is a follow-up to “Understanding Your New Life.” It is a resource that will help you with: getting a grasp on the Bible; daily time with God; your prayer life; fellowship with the family of God; and how to start and maintain good habits. Also, be sure and check out what is available at your Christian Bookstore and ask them to explain to you how to use the one you choose.

    Keep A Journal Of Your Journey

    I have asked my wife, Billie Kaye, to write this admonishment, as she has been more consistent than me in this area. Remember, these are not the Ten Commandments but come under the heading of “Things we encourage (suggest) you to do.”

    “In 1988 I began keeping a journal, and I grieve over the fact that I didn’t sooner…like when I was first saved. However, I didn’t, so I’m not going to hate myself or feel like I am a failure in life. 

    “My journal keeping has changed in the last ten years. I’m not as detailed as I used to be. I also get behind at times, but eventually catch up. I don’t get too far behind, because the mind tends to forget as I get older. As I read my devotional or  God’s Word, I just jot down what He speaks to my heart or what my feelings are, or what I received from reading. Sometimes I have one line, and some days I have a large paragraph or two. I also keep tabs on what Paul and I did for the week (or month) and the people we visited with, ministered to, prayed for, etc. It’s fun to look back and reminisce. 

    “You will be amazed how far you’ve come in your Christian life as you look back over you journal. You will be reminded of all the times God intervened in your life as He answered prayers, comforted you through heartache, encouraged you in times of struggles, and saw you through storms. Your heart will be filled with thanksgiving and praise to your Lord for His unfailing love. 

    “Remember, some people will be more detailed in their journal than others. You have to keep your journal according to your own personality and time schedule. I find it easier to fill mine out when I go to bed in the evening. The day is ended and I have that time to meditate and ponder all that God has allowed in my life for the last 18 or so hours. What a joy to count your blessings at the end of the day that the Lord has made.”.

    Because of God’s Grace